One of the most exciting things I did this summer was visiting The Workshop Residence to see my friends the Batle family. Agelio, Delia and sons Noa and Nilo were the artists in residents for the month of June. Students from the San Francisco public high school Ruth Asawa School of the Arts also joined them. They collected hundreds of milk carton jugs and made them into beautiful lamps. I am fortunate to own one that I love.
Agelio Batle cuts some of the milk cartons for the lamps.
Leaf pattern for the lamps.
Nilo Batle sorts through more milk jugs.
The jugs were turned into amazing designs.
At the end of the month a group of friends and I attended the closing reception to see the finished lamps. They were amazing and beautiful. How could anyone decide? All from made from milk jugs!
Agelio shows friends Leslie and Megumi one of the finished pieces.

far right: Braden Weeks Earp, Director of The WorkShop Residence
with Batle family and SOTA students.
WorkShop Residence website
Agelio Batle website