Here are some more arty and crafty things that happened in the month of December. It was a busy crazy month filled with a lot of creative happenings.
Elana and Annakai walking the red carpet at the Urban Film Festival. Elana's film REM was chosen to be screened at the first Annual Urban Film Festival where she is a Junior. Student and alumi films from The Urban School were selected. Annakai was the actor in the REM film. |
After the films were screened there was a panel discussion. |
The residents at the Carlisle where I teach monthly craft classes made gift tags out of card board from wine boxes. |
We made bows for our gift bags with coffee filters and fringe centers. The bags were filled with handmade fleece hats and scarves gifts for homeless children in San Francisco. |
Our first workshops at the TechShop in San Francisco were this December. |
Dorothy Yuki and I taught felt flowers made from old wool sweaters we felted. |
Pat wearing her new creation. |
Dorothy teaching some techniques.
Here are some of the flowers from the second Tech shop class. They were made out of taffeta. The edges are burned. The centers of the flowers are the frayed part of the taffeta.
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